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Since Malaysia is made up of three large ethnic groups and many expats from around the world, there are many different holidays. Just like everywhere in the world, Malaysia celebrates New years and like many places, Christmas too. but some of the other big and very widely celebrated holidays include Thaipusam, a Hindu festival, Wesak day, a Buddhist holiday celebrating buddha's death and birth, and of course, the Chinese new year.  


Since Malaysia is a Muslim country they celebrate Ramadan, the month of fasting. Fasting is meant to remind Muslims of the less fortunate and to reinforce the need to be thankful. After Ramadan, comes Hari Raya which is a day to feast after a month of fasting. Malaysia also celebrates Merdeka day, which is their independence day, and Malaysia day, which celebrates the establishment of the federation of Malaysia. Deepavali is also a very popular holiday in Malaysia. Otherwise known as the festival of lights, Deepavali is a Hindu festival. There are other things celebrated in Malaysia as well depending on where you're from, for example, the birthdays of all the sultans.

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Chinese New Year

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